Stable Performance of your server is crucial when your business depends upon it. Techbrace’ proactive server management team is well trained to make your server up and running without fail at all times. Our expert engineers monitor your server round the clock and take appropriate actions as and when necessary. We looks after the server hardware, storage file system, important services & applications, network connections, server resources, user accounts & server security.
If you are a web hosting firm and would like to get complete support (24×7 white labeled technical support to your valued customers along with pro-active server management), please look into our Outsourced Web hosting Support service.
Techbrace take care of your servers completely. We monitor the servers and their services round the cloud and fix. Find main fearures of this service shown below:
24 hours x 365 days Server Monitoring. Initiate the remote reboot within 10 minutes if the server is found down. Also finds out the cause for the server down.
24 hours x 365 days Monitoring of following services:
HTTPD (also SSL)
Named (DNS)
Direct Admin/cPanel/Plesk
24 hours x 365 days Monitoring of following components:
Memory usage
Swap usage
Exim queue
IP connections
RAID (if setup)
Lightning fast response time guarantee (based on package or you can set it as per your demand).
Fast Resolution Time Guarantee (based on package or you can set it as per your demand)
Periodic server audits
Periodic Performance Audits
Backup and Restore
Securing Servers and Hardening applications.
Fix issues related to DirectAdmin
Disaster recovery and Hack recovery
Software upgrades – Upgrade the server software components such as Kernel, Apache, PHP when there’s a vulnerability or as per your request.
Server Installation and configuration of various services.
Recompile the kernel with added security features and optimum modules.
Installation and Configuration of Nagios and monitoring servers.
Tweak applications such as Apache, Mysql, Exim etc to increase the performance.
Handling server load issues.
Handling Spamming and DDoS attacks.
Fix the issues related to various services.
Server Auditing.
Setup, rebuild and monitor status of both hardware and software RAID.
Server rebuild and backup recovery.
Writing shell scripts to perform various tasks.
Installing and configuring Mailmon to prevent spam.
Take care of system backup.
cPanel DNS clustering.
Hard disks monitoring. This will help in replacing the hard disks before they are dead completely and can prevent data loss.
Fixing client issues.
Handling abuse issues(such as phishing, spam etc).
Setting up firewall using CSF, iptables etc.
Configuring mod_evasive to prevent DDoS attacks.
Configuring mod_security for Apache.
SSH hardening.
Configuring BFD to prevent brute force attack.
Check for trojans and rootkits.
Tweaking PHP.
Securing file systems.
Performing automated as well as manual security audits.
Secure the critical applications installed on the server.